Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Top Two Tuesday

I am also linking up with a new blog that I found.
Grab My Button
Today is the top two shows you like.  Right now I Tivo everything because I can't watch it live.  Either the kids are still awake or I am gone.  I have more than two that I like to keep up with. But if I had to narrow it down it is


But Darin and I also are really getting into these other two USA Shows too.
Burn Notice & White Collar

Then these are the Two Shows I have started watching with him.  His hunting shows.  I call it the Tree Whispering Shows.
Ted Nuggent's Spirit of the Wild and The Bone Collector.


The Undomestic Mom said...

I havent seen any of those! But they sound interesting so I will have to add them to the DVR!

Brandi said...

I used to watch house all the time. Then it just got a little to crazy for me.

Shell said...

White Collar and House- love them both! I have a crush on Nick.

Nocona said...

Nick is such a doll. I think that is why I watch White Collar, Phsyic and Burn Notice. Brandi I felt like that about House and just started watching it again this season. It has gotten better again.

Unknown said...

Nocona, I don't watch any of these shows :) I'm a sucker for American Idol