Friday, February 5, 2010

Feature Friday

Today I am featuring my sister-in-law Jenny's website Helm House Creations.
She makes cute vintage banners.  She can custome make one for you or you can look through pictures of some that she has already made.  I love them.  I also want to wish her a Happy Early 30th Birthday!  We are birthday sisters because our birthdays 3 days apart!  Can't wait for our party! We have a big party every year with our other two birthday friends!   Jenny,  I promise you will love your 30s so much more than your 20's! Check out her blog and leave a comment that I sent you to her blog.  I included pictures of some of my favorite banners that she has made.  You can guess which one I inspired for her and I want her to give me for my office!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Jenny H. IS a very sweet and enduring woman. I wish both of ya a great year!!!! Again, Happy Birthday Nocona!