Friday, February 12, 2010

My Man! Feature Friday!

In honor of Valentine's I am featuring my baby faced sweet heart, Darin.  I can honestly say that I love this man so much more than I did the day we got married.  God has truely created this man to be the one for me.  His gifts off set mine and we make a perfect team.  When I am all over the place with emotions, he is logical and even.  Although when I am bursting with excitement his even temperment can be a let down, but he keeps me grounded.  His servants spirit is a blessing in my life.  He really shows his love for me in the way he serves me and wants to meet my needs.  He paints my toe nails and the girls.  He is an example for our son to follow.  One day I could not find Dalton and Brighton.  I went into their playroom and saw Brighton sitting on her little couch with her feet on a towel.  Dalton was lying on his tummy painting her toe nails.  (Thank goodness Madie was not big enough to crawl around because she would have dumped the stuff everywhere.)  He is not perfect but he tries very hard.  If I bring something to his attetion he listens and does not blow me off.  Although we are still working on him actually making his socks into the hamper and unballing them when he takes them off.  But nobody's perfect right?  He is a wonderful father to our three kids.  He has always been a complete partner in raising them.  He changes diapers, bathes them and can fix our little girls hair.  He knows not to let them leave the house with out a bow in their hair.  He surprises me with a clean house when I am working.  He works two jobs so that I get to be a full time mother to our kids.  He is my motivation for working Mary Kay.  I want to take some of the burden off of him.  I also can not wait until the day I can buy him a new truck.  I want to be able to buy him all of the hunting equipment he wants and places for him to go.  He knows that he can be negative and has come a long way since the day I met him.  He is from a negative, reactive upbringing and has come so far from that since the day we got married.  He puts up with me and laughs at my personality quirks.  He loves my girlie girl attitude and never teases me.  He said it was what attracted him to me.  He bought me the entire Twilight series for Valentine's day last year and an Edward Cullen barbie doll for my birthday this year.  Plus, for our anniversary he got me the most hot pink and gold Coach bag.  He searched the internet for the perfect one and then tracked it down at a store near us last year.  He is so quiet and puts up with my constant chatter.  I am working on not finishing his sentences for him.  When we went to ATT&T to work on our plans two years ago we were checking our usage and the guy tells me, "mam you used 2400 minutes last month and your husband used a little over 400."  Well, there ya go! That sums us up pretty well.  He takes me to the movies that I pick and never complains.  (Yes, he went to Twilight and New Moon.) He is my Edward and he says I am Alice.  Don't get me wrong it is not always about what I like.  We do watch his hunting shows at night.  It is relaxing when going to sleep.  I call them his "tree whispering shows."  We watch The Bone Collector and Ted Nugents hunting show.  He likes to show me the ones with a girl in them.  He says, "Look she has her hair and makeup done and she has a pink camo gun."  Someday when our kids are bigger I will learn to shoot and go out with him hunting.  It would make his day.  Right now he will have to settle for the camo baby t with a rinestone cross on the front for me to wear during hunting season.
What I love the most about Darin is his heart for the Lord.  Darin has always reminded me of King David.  The small shepard boy who had a big calling on his life.  Most people counted him out but when he speaks the Lord speaks through him.  Darin never hesitates on our monthly tithe.  That means a lot to me.  It shows me his faithfulness to the Lord.  I have friends who have fought with their husbands when they felt called to tithe and their husbands did not agree.  The day he baptisted our son was a day that I will never forget.  His knowlede of the bible amazes me.  From a blind date almost 15 years ago to 13 and half years of marriage and three kids later, I love Darin more and more each day. 


Unknown said...

You guys have been together for 15 years?? WOW! I was 11 when yall first started dating :) LOVE you both!

Crystal said...

That is awesome, Nocona. What a good mad you got there. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!