Just my little rant for today to say what I think
I think .....
*I think the dryer is eating my socks to mock me with a basket full of mates with out pairs.
* I think I love my new single story house and do not miss vacuming the stairs.
* I think my children conspire against me to taking turns of who will not sleep through the nights.
* I think life is to short to sweat the small stuff and to fuss with others and get into fights.
* I think that new guy on the McDonalds commercials, who is waiting for coffee to brue, is a little bit short and a little bit rude.
* I think that Sara Palin is someone I respect and admire.
* I think I don't know what I think about Coach Leach getting fired.
* I think that God is blessing us all around if we would open our eyes and foccus our attention on the good.
* I think I worry,complain, and gossip a lot more than I should.
* I think that my laundry mulitplies while it is in the wash and the dryer.
* I think I need to keep the nail polish completely out of reach and move it a little bit higher.
* I think that Dr. Pepper is the hardest thing I have had to give up while I am on this new diet.
* I think that oatmeal is gross but to lose weight I will try it.
* I think that the Cowboys may have a shot at the Super Bowl, if they keep playing like this.
* I think there is not better way to wake up than with a smile and a kiss.
* I think I could eat a Sonic burger every single day.
* But I think I will not wear a size 6 jean that way.
* I think that I have the best girlfriends a girl could ask for.
* I think that each day I love my husband a little bit more.
* I think that it is important to foccus on the postive, not the negative and pray more instead.
* I think that January is an awesome time to evaluate what is behind and look on to what is ahead.
* I know that God is soveriegn and I have nothing to fear.
* I Know that 2010 is going to be an awesome year!
For other random thoughts head on over to this new site I found. http://www.theunmom.com/