Tuesday, December 29, 2009

True Story Tuesday "Kissmas Is Ober!"

Confession: I did plan our Christmas outfits around my pink Santa hat I got at the beginning of December. This picture turned out cute but I wish we would have turned the TV off before we took it. They were watching a Muppet Christmas movie. I don't know about anyone else but between taking Christmas down and finding places for all of my kids Christmas presents there has not been a lot of blogging time. Here is a story that happened yesterday between me and my youngest. Madison is two years old.
Yesterday, Madie was taking a nap while I took down all of the ornaments off the tree and then was up playing while I put away everything else. (Madie is my very meddlesome child that is like a bull in a china shop around breakable stuff.) She watched me take down everything and put it away. She even watched me vacuum and clean. Then when it was all done looked over at the empty space where the tree had been and gasped, "Where da twee?" I answered. "We took it down." Then she demanded, "Put it back up!" I laughed telling her Christmas was over and it was time to take it down. "Kissmas is not ober !" She began crying. "Put da twee back!" She wailed. "I love Santa! I love him! Put the twee back up! Kisstmas is not ober!" She was working up to an all out two year old drama fit. I picked her up and told her, "Well, if Christmas is not over then we can not ever have your birthday." She stopped in mid fit and wiped her tears away. "My bithday? Yea! My bithday!" She laughed jumping off my lap and bounced into our bedroom where her daddy was and announced,"Daddy!Kissmas is ober! It's ober." Making the motion in front of her like an umpire calling a runner safe. She has spent today telling everyone she sees that "Kissmas is ober."

For other True Story Tuesday Stories go to http://www.onceuponamiracle.com/2009/12/true-story-tuesday-by-rachel_28.html


Crystal said...

Amusing and Adorable. The family picture is precious.

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Ha! That is sweet :) You have a beautiful family.

Unknown said...

Love this picture!!!!! (and the Santa hat)

Rachel said...

I'm with Madie - Christmas should never be officially over until New Year's! And birthdays should be at least a week long...

And wouldn't ya know the tv would have THAT particular image on it for the photo, LOL. Photoshop is a wonderful thing :)

Thanks for linking up!

Foursons said...

Did you even notice the TV until I mentioned it? That's one of those details use usually don't notice. Hahaha

Foursons said...

use = you