1. Day with Daddy- On the Saturday before or after our birthdays we got to spend the day with our dad. We got to pick where we ate, what we did and then pick out our birthday present from him. One year I got to go pick out the beautiful pink and grey 10 speed bike I had wanted for a while. Another year it was a new baseball glove and hot pink and teal bat that I still have. We did this until I was in Jr. High.
2. Shopping Trips with my Mom- Every hunting season when my brothers got old enough to go with my dad, mom and I would go shopping. We took trips to Barton Creek for new outfits, going to girl movies and eating at Hong Kong restaurant in San Marcos. Even after I was married and Darin would go hunting with them we would have girl Saturdays.
3. Granny & Pa's Farm- I had three of my great grandparents until I was in College. I grew up going to Granny and Pa's farm in Star, Texas. The excitement of driving to their house grew as we turned off the paved road to the dirt country road, counting the 11 cattle guards that it took to get there. I loved sitting on the big iron gate singing to the sheep as the sun would set on hot summer days. I will never forget the peacefulness of waking up in the mornings to the cool breeze blowing through the open window and the sound of sheep bleating in the morning. The mixture of the wet dew outside on the ground and the smell of Granny cooking breakfast in the morning was the best aroma to wake up with.
4. The Coast Roller Skating Rink- Every Saturday you could skate for hours at the roller rink in San Marcos. I had several birthday parties there. I loved to roller skate when I was a kid. I remember saving all my money so I could buy my own fancy skates. They were beautiful and looked like the one the girl wore on the cover of American Graffiti. Classic 50's style white with a jet black bottom and hot pink wheels. (I still have them too.) We would skate round and round to "Hey Mickey" and "Walk Like an Egyptian." As I got a little older the best was the couples skate to Tiffany's "I Think We're Alone Now."
5. Kinder winning the Talent Show for the young division. I dressed up like little Orphan Annie (red wig and all) and belted out "Tomorrow" with microphone in one hand and my other hand on my hip.
6. Highland Lakes- Children's camp every summer in August was the absolute highlight of the summer. From third grade until a Sr. in Highschool I had the best time at those camps. Color teams battling it out and learning the heart of worship each night at church. I have some of the sweetest memories and good friends made there. One of the bridesmaids from my wedding was a beautiful blond I met in third grade from Lockhart. Farrah and I would see each year at camp until we were old enough to drive and then we both ended up at UMHB together.
7. Playing in the back Yard with Stevie and Shane. Imaginations ran will as we had our own little world in our back yard. Or playing baseball on the side of the house until we hitting baseballs to hard for the neighbors comfort and we had to play wiffel ball.
8. Playing Barbies in my room. I could play barbies for hours by myself. It was one of the hardest parts of growing up and knowing that I could not do that any more. Even as a 7th grader I would put pillows in my windows on summer afternoons so none of my friends could catch me if they decided to drop by.
9. Swimming at the Aquarina Pool- We had a membership at the Aquarina pool each summer and they had the best diving board and biggest pool. Outdoing my brother on the best dives was a blast. (I won because I could do a handstand off the end of the board.)
10. My Cabbage Patch Birthday Party- My mom threw the most creative birthday parties on a shoestring budget. The Cabbage Patch one was the best. It was girlie and we all had our dolls with us. She made a backdrop for our heads to stick through where we were the cabbage patch doll and each girl got a copy of their picture with a pink plastic frame as a take home gift. My Aunt Cheryl also came and I thought that was the best.
This is your best one yet!
I love the one about birthdays with your dad. That is a wonderful memory. My parents always let us pick the restaurant of our choice for dinner on our birthday and absolutely NO chores! So much fun!
My mom still has that picture of me as a cabbage patch kid on her fridge! You and your mom are sooo creative!
:) Bethany
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