Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday!

For Thanful Thursday I am linking up with Women Taking A Stand.  You can click on the link below to see this awesome blog and link up with other Christian Women today.

I am thankful for....
* the awesome weather we are having for Spring Break this week!  We only had one rainy day!  It has been beautiful and I have gotten to open my windows.
* A husband that helps me.  My house was a complete disaster yesterday and I was overwhelmed with cleaning it.  There was so much that needed to be organized on top of cleaning.  Plus with all three kids being home, were trashing it behind me as I went.  We divided up the house and had it all done it two hours.  He made it a game for the kids and got them to help.
* I also went through the girls drawers yesterday and put away all of the winter stuff, cleaned out the small stuff and got out the spring stuff.  I realized how blessed I am.  My friend Heidi-Anna has two girls older than mine and set us up with some beautiful clothes.  Brighton will not need jeans or denim skirts for a long time.  Plus my mom took the girls shopping for new sandals and they came home with some really cute clothes and three pairs of shoes.  We will be doing Dalton's clothes today. 
* I am thankful for my family! Sunday night we all went to my moms house and cooked out.  My sister-in-law, Stephanie and I went to shopping and then came home and started cooking.  Darin grilled.  My brother Shane came and played in the back yard with the kids.  We made a fire in the back yard and cooked smores.  My brother & sister-in-law Stevie and Jenny came and played.  Then we all cleaned moms kitchen together.  It was so much fun.  I love that we all live close to each other and how they are some of our best friends. 
* I am thankful for my awesome customers.  I had the terrible stomach flu last week and was in bed until Wed.  It was the end of my quarter so I sent out text messages and emails telling people that I would be selling gift cards to use towards their purchases for the next year and it was a great way to stock up and save.  I sold over $1000 in sales in 4 days! I could not have done that if I did not have awesome customers!


Vanessa said...

Today I'm thankful for a helpful husband too! I've got the flu and he stayed home and is working here so he could get the girls to school and everything! I got to stay in bed -- uninterrupted -- until about 9 a.m.!!!

Crystal said...

Yes. I, too, am very grateful for the nice weather we are having. I have just been blessed with my whole family around. Family close by is a HUGE blessing. So are friends like you, Nocona. I am thankful for you. I LOVE YOU.

Melissa said...

Oh yes, I know hot it is to be cleaning my home and have the children trash is behind me! AH! so frustrating! I too am thankful for sweet husbands who pitch in to help clean up!!!

Denise said...

Such nice blessings.

Summer said...

I need to do more I'm Thankful posts. Or thoughts. =)

Loved it!