I just finished reading some great books in February and March. I wanted to add them to the review on http://j-kaye-book-blog.blogspot.com/2010/01/2010-100-reading-challenge-post-your_799.html
It is a great blog with other readers.
I read Nicolas Spark's Newest Book The Last Song. It was a really good book to read just like all of his books. To me it was not as good at The Notebook or A Walk to Remember, but not bad. I am not excited about seeing the movie that is being made about it. I think Miley Sirus as the main character is a terrible idea. She is not intense enough to play this troubled teen. I also love listening to the previews as she talks with her thick southern accent and she is suppose to be from New York. This book is an easy read and as always with Spark's books is a tear jerker.
The Second book I just finished was Rhett Butler's People. I found this beautiful hard back book at Goodwill one day while I was looking around. I loved this book! I am a huge Gone With the Wind fan and collect items from this book and movie. I hated the book Scarlett when it came ot. (Hated the movie even more.) It was not true to the story, the characters and was a total disapointment. But this one is a perfect sequal to Gone with the Wind. It gives a lot of back story to Rhett Butler growing up and the story from his prospective. It also gives more details to things that happened in Gone With the Wind. Things like why he was at the 12 Oaks bar-b-que, why he was in prison after the war when Scarlett went to see him and the back story on his and Belle Watling's history. I loved this book. It was hard to read because it jumped around a lot between times and characters but at the end when it all came together it was great. It reminded me of why I loved Rhett Butler. He definately gives Edward Cullen a run for storybook characters that will make you swoon. This book is a great book to add to my Gone With the Wind collection.
Glad you reviewed Last Song. I requested from the library but was unsure since they cast Miley Cyrus in the role. Not her biggest fan!
I read "The Last Song" and loved her relationship with her dad, but I am not a fan of Miley playing the role... I don't think I will like the movie, cause I am not sure how she will pull it off. I thought the love story was kind of weak, but it was not nicholas sparks fault... I think he was just doing it for the movie. I completely agree with you!
Any book that reminds you why you love Rhett Butler is a good book!
Who killed RHETT BUTLER? It's never been written, until NOW! www.deathofrhett.blogspot.com
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